
Holy Spirit Preparatory School Academics

At Holy Spirit Preparatory School, 我们提供教育,致力于通过天主教和古典文科传统的人的形成. Our goal is to shape our students intellectually, physically, 在精神上,这样他们可以更好地认识上帝,最终找到幸福.

Our Approach to Education


这意味着我们的学生在文科传统中学习不同的科目, receive instruction in the faith, 并鼓励他们进行体育锻炼,使他们能够过上最好的生活 Mens sana in corpore sano!

我们的课程强调写作的要点, thinking, 和论证(Trivium),通过研究精选的名著. 我们课程的学术严谨鼓励了强烈的职业道德,并为学生的任何职业做好了准备.

From preschool art to high school philosophy, 我们所教的每一门课程都充满了对上帝创造的惊奇和对上帝爱我们每一个人的认识,他创造我们是有目的的. 我们相信每个人都是按照上帝的形象创造的,因此被赋予了理性和道德能力, 天主教信仰可以指引我们如何发展.

Our Lord Jesus said, “How is a man the better for it, 如果他以失去自己的灵魂为代价得到整个世界?“我们不仅希望我们的学生在HSP取得成功, 而是要在爱基督的心引导下,过健康的属灵生活.

He is the way, the truth, and the life. 我们教导我们的学生,宇宙是可理解的,因为它来自神圣的作者. 我们的学生学习永恒的真理保存了几千年的圣人, and in this process, they learn to recognize, seek, and desire Truth Himself.

“No one in the world can change Truth. 我们所能做的和应该做的是寻求真理,当我们找到真理的时候为它服务.” – St. Maximilian Kolbe

古典教育植根于三位一体:语法、逻辑和修辞学. Together, 这三个领域的学习使我们能够有效地沟通和批判性地思考我们周围的世界. In teaching our students to master the Trivium, 我们装备学生宣讲福音在任何领域的上帝已经放置他们, whether they are priests, politicians, engineers, or artists!

6 Months - PRE-Kindergarten


在学前阶段,所有班级学习相同的课程,一起庆祝节日. 我们相信每个孩子都是按照上帝的形象创造的, 并塑造了一个富有同情心的学习环境,最好地鼓励和挑战我们最年轻的学生.


60+ students

3 before and after school programs

Weekly visits to the chapel

Kevin and Ellen Twomey

我们家庭的信仰和学术生活从未如此强烈. 我们与其他人携手养育圣洁贤惠的孩子.

Kevin and Ellen Twomey
Holy Spirit Prep Preschool


Kindergarten to grade 5

Lower School

我们的低年级为学生提供真正的古典天主教教育,从幼儿园到五年级. 我们培育一个培育环境,让学生在与基督的关系中成长,并培养在学校取得成功所需的技能, and in life.


All students play an instrument

Students attend Mass weekly

81% of students participate in athletics

Amy Wingate

我们的孩子在环境中真正茁壮成长! We are pleased with the quality of education, the friends they have made, the teachers, 团队中每个人的乐于助人和善良, and the wonderful priests on the campuses. Go Cougars!

Amy Wingate
Grade 6 to 8

Middle School

For many students, 中学是智力上巨大成长和变化的时期, emotionally, physically, socially, and spiritually. 在HSP,我们的目标是使这些年形成,有趣,难忘和丰富.




92% of students participate in athletics

Don Hoyer

作为圣灵预备学校的历史老师,我的目标是引导学生发展阅读能力, writing and critical thinking skills, broaden their appreciation of the art, culture, philosophy, and literature that has formed our modern world, 并认识到上帝的普罗维登斯在工作,通过历史的过程中,让学生自信地拥抱他们在世界上的角色,由我们的信仰的丰富传统支持.

Don Hoyer
Middle School History Teacher
Holy Spirit Prep Middle School


Grade 9 to 12

High School

HSP的高中课程为学生提供课堂内外的各种体验,以测试他们的知识. 我们鼓励他们批判性地思考,不要随波逐流.

Average class size of 15



16 Varsity sports teams

Anthony Haskin

Anthony Haskin

Working at the school, I can see the Holy Spirit at work in the students, 我很荣幸能在天主教信仰中成为塑造他们的工具.

Anthony Haskin
High School Literature and History Teacher
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